It hurts but EHG made the best choice for players
How do I support the game if I play offline?
Double life idol changes in new patch
Last Epoch - Season 2 - New Launch Date: April 17th
The hype is there. What about performance?
I should be able to claim prophecy rewards in town
I would really apreciate for streamers to stop dragging PoE/LE communities into this "drama". I'm willing to bet 95% of aRPG players will play both games and are ok with recent release dates of new content.
Harbinger Pop and Prophecies
Why are people saying this is a "streamer-only issue?"
The review of the games I have played in my lifetime* for more than 1 hour (I haven’t played that many games in my lifetime)
Perry and Dreads Movement Tier List
Have they lowers lvl req for gear?
GM Shuts Down Rp Attempts
Minions in season 2
Does Harthenon’s Vow Work for Minions?
So how much is new since launch?
Why use the imperial system?
Vendor screen shortcut
XP to lvl 3 climbing reminded me of one of my pet peeves with PF2e for beginners
Seeing cosmetics in character screen
Ghazzy Interview with Mike and Karv - My Notes
Loot Lizards OP
LastEpoch hype
Gameplay choices and the suffering of teammates
COF improvements?