What’s your favorite quote from a cartoon writer?
Iceberg do Torajo
Origem do nome papa-capim
Já vi aqui muitos posts discutindo os personagens preferidos e mais odiados do subreddit. Mas e os NÚCLEOS de personagens? Qual é a sua turma preferida e qual que você menos gosta?
isso e mesmo pra criança?
Pior turma, quem concorda respira
Papa-Capim ft. Cafuné e Jurema! (faz um tempo que não posto..)
Papa capim casando
Não me lembro se já publicaram mas acho que está batendo bem com os temas atuais... ah, Papa-Capim do velho testamento logo, indias seminuas...
Papa-Capim stalker
Cupim na arca de Noé
Is it just me or woody woodpecker and tom got thinner over the years
Why do most Disney shows based on movies get no love?
Can we all agree that Mickey is the worst of the Disney big three?
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid "What If...?" Season 2 Episode 11: "What If...Kobayashi ate Tohru's tail?" ("Dragon Tails! (They're Magically Nutritious!)") [Suggested by u/uncle_sansonite]
Why was Kobayashi completely turned off when Tohru took her outfit off after Ilulu gave Kobayashi a “male appendage”. Is there a part of the joke I’m not getting?
Why does Tohru want Kobayashi to eat her tail?
Dragon Maid QOTD #192: If each dragon was reincarnated into another animal besides a dragon, what would it be?
Dragon Maid QOTD #126: If each dragon was a mayor or government of a city, would they succeed?
Meme dragon maid dragon characters (Kanna, Tohru, Lucoa, Elma, Fafnir)
meme context
What's a bad animated movie you've seen that you're surprised hasn't become a meme yet? I'll go first.
Late Christmas Meme
Which couples best fit the Amazon and Short Guy meme?
Tentei desenhar a Emília Norte Americana, também conhecida como Ragatha (de Digital Circus).