Connection between deities and classes
Question about his last sentence
Here comes the barbecue
Animacy and souls question
Deadfire: Are Ciphers extra bad when not used by the PC compared to other classes? Ditching Serafen for any other party member feels like an upgrade.
If Xoti was her own character instead of a companion, which faction would she side with?
Question about the continents in eora
All those characters asking the Dragonborn to execute them should know better, really
Question before I buy PoE2
It's the 7 day update of the "hysterical" lady
I just learned that quicksilver is mercury
Ruan Mei's perception of Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day Express Pass Giveaway x10
Having just replayed 1 & 2 back to back in preparation for Avowed, I gotta say my overwhelming concern going in is
Why does all of Defiance Bay know about us before we get there?
Artificer Subclasses - The Demolitionist & The Engineer
How to Get Rid of This Ibadi Sindh's Shia Province?
I hate this quest
[HSR - 3.0 BETA] Geniuses' Greetings (4*, Remembrance)
I’ve been playing this game for 5 years and I had no idea you could actually place your celebrity tile in a designated space
Help with "couriers calling"?
Wouldn’t be surprised if Argenti shows up in Amphoreus as well
Why do the NPCs have such low resolution clothing compared to their faces?
How come we stopped getting these domains in Fontaine?
When times are so hard even Grim needs to get a second job