Are meds just a placebo?
What the fuck is happening in the world. Why people can't be normal?
The Carnivore Diet Will Fix That
Going to first card show tomorrow - tips/advice?
Wish I bought more. Early TikTok shop was goated
Daily aspirin use
Ethan looks hot.
Any ADHD bipolar people here?
ADHD meds and migraines: anyone notice a change in migraines after starting on ADHD meds?
Forget about EXs and full art cards, what’re y’all’s favourite common/uncommon cards?
Underrated cards
Experienced a first hand “found in my parent’s basement” tonight. May I present to you my fiancées collection.
Drink package doesn't include canned soda
Is it stupid to collect non-holos?
My local LGS put up their Prismatic preorders and I don't think I'm going there anymore
What's your LGS charging for a Prismatic Evolutions ETB?
Cruise with just my parents?
Unofficial CGRP drug side effects
Where do you work if you have chronic migraines?
My girlfriend is living on 3 rizotriptans a day, but no help
more Target primatic up
Prismaticbooster bundles 27.99
Anyone struggling with SI, given the election news?
Looking for good binder brands
Who's tried it?