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Small tic-tac in raw photo from Mars rover from NASA itself
Råd til kommende forældre
Har OB tabt pusten i 1. division - er oprykning i fare?
What’s everyone playing this weekend?
Trump threatening a governor
I'm reading Pet Semetary for the first time.
Ross Coulthart says in his Q&A that China may engage in UFO disclosure before the US: “That has been touted as a very serious possibility.”
Vestas nat
The Stand
Giveaway for the season of witchcraft battlepass
Newsnation footage of the egg shaped UAP from Jake Barber's Interview
Strømpe på håndtag
In your opinion, what’s the worst King movie adaptation, and why is it Dreamcatcher?
Who exactly was this guy supposed to be? The movie wasn’t clear on that. It looks like pennywise but a person.
Just arrived
Guess the Trailer 2 Release Date Contest
Gokatsu quest help
Kan køkkenbordet reddes?
What is the first thing you want to discover
Books about time travel?