I finally let it go
Stuck in My Own Head, and It’s Tearing Me Apart
Spider 2 - phreshboyswag
Are you all seeing this shit?
What do you guys think about my music artist taste?
Favorite cloud rap albums
My top 5 finishing February... Any band/artist recommendations or question about these?
Music that is similar to Giant Swan
What’s Everyone at UofM Listening To?
I Wasn’t Ready, but I’m Here Anyway
What song/s makes you wanna stay in the shower for an hour?
Best Friend Died in May
This is very specific- what are songs that have a line/ lyrics about wanting to sleep to see someone you’re missing?
Some relaxing ambient playlists for geeks / fantasy fans to help destress and sleep
Help me find a similar song!
Favorite British artist/band?
FS: Large Yellow Supreme American Psycho Sweater $200 +shipping
girl gets stuck in a washer doing a dare
Panther X - Legitimacy of Hotspots, Financial Loss, and Onboarding
What is your favourite video game quote?