Switch sd card replacement not working
Ram upgrade to 32Gb - Overclocking and possible bricking comes next.
Help identifying components on board
What repair were you going to do that ended up being a simple fix.
Need help replacing cmd cap on switch oled
Could you guys provide some guidance regarding a really bizarre issue I've had since modding my Switch?
Does anyone know what resistor this is/it's function?
OLED switch, RP2040 mod. Boots into Hekato and tells me the battery has 0 vdc but is fully charged. Any ideas?
Need help with OLED Switch not booting
Resurrecting a dormant modded OLED - no screen, red light on HWFLY chip
Switching internal memory between a V2 and V1
Did i do a good job soldering and is this connected I can’t tell
OLED Post HWFLY install with odd issues
Steam Deck solder repair attempt - Daughter Board damage.
My nintendo switch oled died after a "succesful" picofly installation. Help!
Nintendo Switch Screws
Help me please i get the blue screen
Steam deck won't turn on anymore
Using sysmmc if my switch is already banned
I think it is broken after the kamikaze method...
Can anyone help me identify which cap this is?
Switch lite running Hekate, but eMMC Init failed.. :(
Partitioning is not working because of power button