I can’t stand being around people
Is it just me who finds this strange?
Why is my skin peeling from kt tape?
Silver coins of Alexander the Great
A girl at school loves to humiliate me
Hur lång tid tog det för er att få vård?
Dostoyevsky fans, what’s your favorite book of his?
I’m scared of relationships.
I’m not sure what to do
Do you have a favorite member? Past or present, who’s your pick?
What are your favorite Beatles first line lyrics?
100 girlfriends who really love you
Vad är detta för linje?
Ni som nästan aldrig håller tider, varför tror ni er tid är värd mer än min?
I am ashamed to be trans.
Inspired by this: What's a piece of media about Heathenism / the gods you dislike?
What's a piece of media about Hellenism / the gods you dislike?
what's some really mundane things you hate doing because you're trans?
Love at first sniff?
What are some issues you’d like to see trans people discuss or talk about more?
Am I the only one that doesn't like Samantha?
Dam someones upset 😂😂
Comment a song that makes you feel
Uppdatering på gitarrgrannen
These goddamn fringes…