What strain is that?
Wyatt LVL 3 ability
Will I lose my PSN progress if I connect it to a hoyoverse account
Who is he and why does he have a red belt???
Does this stack with Durability?
Most normal Payday 3 Player
I Hit Level 10,000!
H: Weapon List W: Toxic Mods
W: Toxic Mods H: What you want
W: Mods in the Description H: What you want
W: steel scrap H: caps
W: Railway spikes H: Caps
H:28k caps W: .45 ult
H: Flux W: sentinel Mods
W: Sentinenl mods H: Mods
W: Nuka Cola quantum H: What do you need?
H:Mods W: Quantum
Dallas really want to revive me
Picked this up at EN, any value? Not a heavy gun user personally
H: glowing pig W: PLEASE OFFER
First joint i rolled
H: 4 sent mods W: 80 leaders each
H: Comic/Bobblehead W: Mods