Arrowhead please please for the love of liberty give us a loadout system
We need to get them automaton kill numbers up a bit faster.
What is a support or primary weapon you want too see in the game?
I have come with a solution to the peacemaker problem
is there a community name for the rock where super samples spawn?
Sweet Liberty is a great place to start with a few of the most popular brands in the world
Which overpowered armor passive you taking?
Hear me out... The "All-Purpose Box Backpack" Stratagem!
Is there any companies I can join?
I think we should get a cape for defeating the illuminate invasion party/vanguard.
Going to bed as an European, I wanna say to all the Helldivers in the Americas:
Which side are you on ?
Literally unplayable right now (credits to Muaxh03)
Please add an eerie winter forest biome for when the illuminate are released
PSA for jungle and forest biomes: one eagle is not like the others
Please revert the flamethrower animation!!!
Can they at least revert the flamethrower particles?
LF US pc steam key for hell divers 2 pre order bonus
Battlefield 2042 - Meet the Specialists 2042s evolution of regular classes