unreal that THIS is the guy who is now on a financial podcast
Where is this shows unofficial ending?
Where should the unofficial ending be?
What’s your favorite card from the set you started playing in? I’ll go first.
New Player Experience
Tried the game out after the P2W controversy
[Article] Reserved List Cards Worth Picking UP
Magmakin Artillerist and Malcolm Kern eye
Y'shtola, Night's Blessed - Building her for consistency and high powered tables
Pikaboo reviewing Quin's death
First raid roster for OnlyFangs 2025
Do people still care about spoilers for Breaking Bad? Does this drawing even have any? I don’t know. Throwing caution to the wind. Oh, right. This is mine.
When you lose a roll and have to pretend you’re not salty
Pirate Gkicked
Xaryu dead again PepeSad
Onlyfangs' negotiations going well.
Does anyone wanna fish in Ashenvale?
I ranked every single World Drop Epic BOE
Soda dies at 60
xQc Spots Hasan in Breaking Bad
Edgies dropped
Druid Bear ritual finally summons Tylers BIS bow
Hello HC enjoyers, what quests have you deemed unsafe on your journeys to 60?!
class spread anniversary-dreamscythe
[DE E5] Double Exposure: Chapter 5 - Decoherence General Discussion Thread