ZERO LIKES in the first week 😂 is something wrong with tinder, am I doing something wrong?! Bio is in comments.
30 Male, Private Military Contractor, Single, Spokane WA
Personal best on Bahrain's inner circuit
Name an actor/actress that fits this.
Keep it or sell it?
If these weren’t so worn would they be worth anything
Would this be worth grading? Possible damage?
39, single, straight as an arrow ⬇️⬆️➡️
Dating app isn’t showing up in my profile. I’m trying to use it and it’s nowhere to be seen on my profile. I’ve tried just about everything.
Will I even be rich when this moons?
Any gear that matches my helmet
Whose a pokemom you wish had an illustration rare/ alt art, ill go first...
Trump Tower Las Vegas fire after Cybertruck causes 'boom boom boom' explosion
Lessons that you've learnt from life??
Newbie and here my collection
What do you think or feel when you see someone who is morbidly obese?
Saved sealed products for about 6 months and opened everything yesterday
What's dating like is your 30s?
Helmet advice
How do you know you are stupid, if you are stupid?
Tyre choice
Psa grading through Gamestop
Guys with extremely loud vehicles, why do you do this to everyone?
Held onto this for 24 years. It looks in near mint condition. What do you guys think?
What’s the best song you’ve ever heard?