[xb1] H: tfj W: red asylum + add
[Discussion] Do you need a way to get any misc items?
[xb1] H leaders w misc bundles
Will interest in misc items disappear if the method for obtaining any item is published?
H: wpjs, usa, fsa W: leaders
H: Brahmin mask W: Buffon mask
H: Gjack W: leaders/apperal offers
H: leaders W: bunnabun
H: Leaders. W: WPJS
H: leaders W: invisable rev sword
Why is there a price difference between the wpjs, bosjs, and the scout masks if they come from the same drop?
H: caps W: blue devil cryptic card
H: Oe/Ap/Wwr Marine Left Leg W: Offers
H: Package Bundle Misc W: Leaders or other misc
[Xb1] H: G SBQ W: misc items
[Xb1 price check] H Forest Scout Mask W Price in fasnacht masks
H: TFJ W: Apparel offers. No masks or leaders please
H: 2.5k leader, Glowing: pig, SBQ, SB W: apparel offer no fas pls
[XB1] H: leaders W: fcjs
H: leaders W: bos js
H: leaders W: GSBQ
H: Responder Fireman Helmet W: Rare Apparel Offer
H: Legacy TSE 419 dragon W: fcjs+
H: GHB W: ARIC-4 Shutdown Code
H: Masks. W: Leaders