He... Ace'd it
This poor girl shoulda known better
Found a peace symbol pepper on my pizza.
ate a kitkat. inside was vertical
How much will this cost me ?
He gets very defensive for some reason just before I'm about to let him out
Can this be fixed? Glass shattered
Don't know how, but it happened
Anybody interested in free vinyl?
Ran into this mustachioed gentleman at the supermarket
Is it as bad as it looks?
I thought he was meant to be a children’s character
Games that act as a shell to the real hidden game inside
A true origin story
Never raise the legs with a head injury
She wasn’t playing please break it up
Beef stew!
Found this cutie on the bathroom wall. Baby Giant House Spider? Norwich, UK
I know what I see...
What's the first song you're playing?
Successfully crossing
BA requesting compensation money back …?
Someone tried to open my windows last night. First floor apartment