Stop fuxking up cash you fuxking idiots
Should I become the Saul Goodman of Accounting?
What tf is supposed to be the end game in this profession?
Eid on quarter end
Tax Ppl, how cap is this on a scale of 1-10?
Have any probationary employees that accepted DRP been told they no longer qualify/were terminated?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
If you already have 150 credits, but you receive an extra year of free college, what would you study that extra year?
Midea Duo 14000 BTU Inverter Portable AC (MAP14S1TBL) has to be drained every hour
What’s your opinion
Here's CohnReznick whining about a CPA talent shortage on literally the same day they announced mass layoffs
Non-CPAs, how much money do you make? What is your job title/job function? How many years of experience do you have?
Not getting many new client leads
Shockingly my teacher said I was wrong
Be honest, do you prefer debits or credits?
Warning - be careful using "best regards"
So I hear you haven’t been paying your taxes (Happy Halloween!)
The higher up you go on the Corporate Ladder, the more hours you work
IRS Frustration
I present to you EY crocs
How do you handle your 9-5? I’m struggling with accepting we are suppose to just give 40 hours of our lives every week .
If someone sells me an asset that theyve fully depreicated, am i still able to claim depreciation on that same asset? If yes, what would that look like?