Are all the credits from the college credit plus transferable to Ohio colleges.
Is the Voodoo authentica in New Orleans legit.
Does anyone know how tarot is so accurate?
Is neck training worth it?
Do you think Joe Rogans podcast with trump affects the keys.
Are yes or no questions accurate if asked about a past event that’s very specific.
I need these cheeks clapped
[Fan-art]Azrael need a hug
The tomb of Marie Laveau--saw it when I was younger on a "haunted" New Orleans tour, drawing three X's was supposed to grant you a wish
What name would you give this team?
Guess who my favorite superhero is
Does anybody else think Hulk is too ape-like in the Avengers movies in the way he moves, acts, and fights?
I know it’s not a lot but I have hit 135 on bench today I weight 115 pounds
Do handstand chest to wall pushups train strength as much as free standing handstand pushups?
Are there any real psychics out there?
Do you think I am ok at singing to have no experience and could I improve
I got completely destroyed on here a couple days ago. So I decided to come back with better pictures.
Do red kidney beans lose protein while being cooked?
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Am I in stage 3 puberty
Does using minoxidil at a very young age as a teen stop hair growth for when your older?
Does creatine affect hormones?
Body fat estimate + critique weak points. Football Player and Competitive deadlifter. 21M, 5’7 and 145lbs
I started lifting a week ago , is my physique good?
Last Song You Heard, but add in my ass to it at the end