So confused! please help (I'm pregnant, so excuse changes)
New arrivals. When to water?
Husband doesn't treat me like I'm pregnant
The TikTok Algorithm is NOT The Same After The “Ban”
If anyone is struggling with angular cheilitis..
Anyone else having ear pain?
Dizziness at 12 weeks?
Pruned raspberries completely early spring?
My boss suddenly avoids eye contact with me after I changed my hair and wore makeup
Do you post your baby on social media?
When I take iron my anxiety disappears?
First transvaginal ultrasound at 36weeks
Tell me a snack you're obsessed with
Pumped/inspired mood during labor?
Pregnant Ultrasound in Germany - no husbands
How the heck are you getting 10k steps per day?
13w 5d movement??
My husband keeps buying ground beef. What can I do with it that’s not burgers or meatloaf?
Why are the Germans in public so unfriendly?
Should I test my baby?
Am I just… a wimp?
just found out we're having a boy and I'm terrified!
I’m disappointed in my husband after being diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I’m lonely and I feel unappreciated
What addiction is seen as completely normal by society?
Where to begin?