Paid money for a fix that didn’t fix the problem
What does everyone think this new ride is going to be? SFGAd says it will “push the limits of design and thrill” [Six Flags Great Adventure]
Just joined the club! 2022
Dealership replaced parts but did not fix the issue? Am I in the wrong for not paying for more work?
Best way to contact Chevy with a complaint?
2019 Chevy Colorado making groaning noise when idling down
2019 Chevy Colorado making a groaning noise when idling
Chevy Dealer Didn’t Fix my Truck
Being told to travel with less than a day notice
New to Consulting
2019 Needing Maintenance (Dealer vs Independent)
Having trouble balancing after being up for a long period of time
What’s up with UDF?
Having trouble balancing since staying up late
Ozone Badges for Samples
Drove by no trespassing signs and loitered for a couple minutes
$250 Fine for Pets?
Should I call a welfare check on a schizophrenic family member?
Barber for Curly Hair
YouTube Splitting Profits
Mentally Ill Mother Threatening to Sue
Anxiety over changing jobs with my dog
Depression of changing jobs
Boarding dogs as they get older for travel
Traveling vs non-traveling job