What can make you act this way?
I have no idea
Should I be concerned?
Let's settle this : Pink or Blue?
It’s my birthday today
Say something nice about the Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse episodes
Draw him a face
My band just rolled into our airbnb at 9pm. What kind of music do you think we play?
Stickers finally came in! Gonna put em up around town and spread the word!
Why does Reddit call itself the "heart" of the internet?
Scene: you somehow wake up 9 months pregnant, what is your response
If Starfire collection human items what do you y think she would collect?
Our power went out today
My favorute scene in the show
Had a customer accuse me of being racist because I don't have eyes in the back of my head.
Sometimes I randomly get bummed out thinking about how they most likely beat this guy to death over nothing
Do You Think Season 6 is The Best Dil Pickles Season of The Original Series
Just a little bit of cream
Things you never want to hear from a programmer.
You know technically, this would genetically make Scott and Shelby, at the least, half-siblings from an entire universe apart
The first of many weekly protests to come: stay on the sidewalk and exercise your freedom of speech and freedom of assembly with us peacefully every Sunday in front of Ryan Walter's home
After all these years, I STILL like to talk to tomatoes, Squashes STILL make me smile & I STILL waltz with potatoes up and down the produce aisle.
It doesn’t quite make sense how Dil doesn’t talk full sentences as a baby.
what does my fridge say about me?