[ bones ]Any body knows when will chapter 4 comes out?
this how the world thinks of justice.
Are you retarded
If you had the opportunity, would you be open to becoming a UI? Why or why not?
What do you stand for?
Of course the usa will pick that side
Interesting how that shifted so fast
Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf’s mother-in-law Elizabeth El-Nakla made a plea for help in a video what she says will be her last video message from Gaza, where she is trapped after Israel began its bombing campaign while she was visiting family.
Israel has killed 583 Palestinian children in less than a week. In 2014 during Operation Protective Edge, Israel killed 528 Palestinian children in 51 days.
my friends abandoned me for my birthday, nobody came. Its my turn for the mouse video
Any info on this video? ''Brazil 1996 alien''
To Process 5000 Black Walnuts With No Gloves
Thoughts on first season of Nocturne?
Fun Police
To save money for your kid heart surgery
If you are a redditor who's never received an award before, leave a comment on this post and I'll give you one. I have 10k coins to use before the end of today, mostly due to this community. Time to give them back.
Any body knows when will chapter 4 comes out?
What's Happening Back There?
What does r/teenagers think?
What is an unusual smell that you secretly like?
The surprise element of this dessert...
Say my name