what would happened if they had met ?
Spoiler I hate Picards hidden…
Do you think certain types of guys struggle to make platonic female friends?
$5 million a year for the rest of your life, but ever time you say the word “The” you poop your pants
You are offered $1 million every day for 9 months to give birth to the Great Deceiver.
If aging were eradicated tomorrow, would overpopulation be a problem?
You accepted one of those "invisible snail trying to kill you" hypotheticals, but your assigned snail is out on long term medical leave
Just finished this episode, i didn’t think I could be intimidated through a screen, but here we are.
What are your thoughts on Jonathan?
I saw this on instagram earlier and I thought it was funny😂😂
Can you invent a microwave in 1925 for 1 million?
Sorry, But I'm Sure Buffy The Vampire Slayer's Revival Has No Choice But To Wipe Out Over A Decade Of Canon
There are five hundred grapes in front of you, for each one you eat you get $1000 but one is poisoned and will kill you instantly, how many are you eating?
The god of the cosmos has grown bored with Earth. It has deemed fit to grant you a single wish. It places only one restriction. The wish, its consequences, and your future actions must entertain It. Otherwise, It will erase you from existence, including from its own memory. Make it count.
Decades Later and Double Meat Palace is still my favorite episode 🤣
'Wait, Tariffs Are Just A Tax On Us?'—Employee Shocked As Small Business Owner Cuts His Hours 'Because Of The Tariffs'
Who’s worst at getting jealous? Ranma or Akane?
The hatred I have for this woman
What do you personally think is each of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer characters best moments/best things they have ever done? 💙
Musical Episode - Love it or Hate it?
Why don't they restore they soul of more vampires?
Sarah Michelle Gellar Says Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reboot Is 'Progressing Faster Than I'd Anticipated' (Exclusive)
Kendra needed more storyline
Can dogs feel love?
Google AI overview strikes again