At least I can do this…
would you be okay with rdr3 taking on a completely different story with different characters?
All about the Assassin's Creed Shadows Seasons
🔥Bats come in different sizes and shapes 🔥
Where would you rank Kassandra and Alexios in a list of your favorite video game characters?
I have a problem 😞
Do rdr fans even play their games?
What are you most excited about in this week’s update?
What is in your opinion the most underrated gang member?
Well fuck...
Cayo perico hiest with 2 people ?
What Serial Killer Or Mass Murderer Struck You The Hardest Emotionally And Why?
Y’all need to understand how important this scene is…
What games from that picture are a must play for you?
What’s y’all’s playtime?
Game devs: what’s with all the wolves?????
Phantom Liberty's Sidequests And Their Relationship to the Main Quest
Why do ppl do ts
I see alot of people in the RDR community talk shit about Micah and call him weak. If you irl were to get into a fist fight with Micah who would win?
The wall walks are back in the atomic shop! So is Bethesda’s incompetence! Yayyy 🎉
Lady Astaria cosplay help!
Alright fellow clubbers who’s the best
Currently watching Fruitvale Station (2013) are American police really this abusive and trigger happy ?
If you try to engage in PvP with other players and they are not interested, please don't keep bothering them.