The stupid nickname feature in X and Y
Opinions of new character designs?
JQ: Why can't some fans move on from him? 😭
How has NOTHING leaked yet?
Chloe wins! "Uhh...what's your name again?" is the next category
Say something positive about Steel Wool:
What is this handheld console (wrong answer only)
Assuming you still had to keep him around, how would you rewrite Cameron?
Tell me
[TOMT] Video game where you are a clone who is left behind
Any blank two tone snapbacks?
My brain hurts!!
No one wants to be that type of trainer
So there was really no February Direct huh.
What is the best thing about Amourshipping?
How??? Why???
What is the thing that makes Amourshipping special and stands out from other ships?
What are your Pokémon Anime Hot Takes?
This really is a bummer...
Is GTA IV actually better than V or are you people just exaggerating?
Is this the most anticipated Nintendo Direct in the history of Nintendo Directs?
Switch 2 Accessory Attachment Concepts
Now you'll be thinking about this forever
Is Ranked even worth playing now? Be nothing left at this rate
Another reason for the top USB port