Let’s say Jimi were still alive. How do you imagine his sound would have evolved through the decades?
What’s the most epic slow song ever?
Did you hear about the lady who defecated in her neighbor’s kitchen sink?
What was the most unimpressive talent ever on Figure It Out?
If I like these six things, what other seafood am I likely to enjoy?
How often would you say you cry per month?
What movie moved you to tears in the best way possible?
How do you most often feel when cooking?
Thought-provoking comedy movies
Though I understand it’s hard to say, were Kurt still alive and had continued into today, how do you imagine their sound would have evolved?
What do y’all think about the background music?
Mediocre albums by great bands
Getting pulled over by Shaq
Best *band* starting with letter M?
Things Gordon Ramsay could say about your cooking and your girlfriend
What birds have the most devastating pecks in the world?
As a rock musician, what software is most ideal for recording?
Wrong answers only: what song is Shane running to?
What song is Shane running to?
What was Gordon’s wildest rage moment?
How do the deaf perceive music?
What album do you never skip one track on?
In the theistic world, it doesn’t seem to occur to anyone that some people may actually enjoy being in hell.
What’s the easiest song for a beginner to learn?