Last night we met the most amazing VR dancer in Phasmo and it was a surprise.
Elon Musk Saved Ironman
You IQ Monkey Dumb. Shut off.
First time in 8 years of playing WOT <3
Thoughts on their new Subscription?
Mystery Drops.
They thirsty?
Opinions on Jason Statham's looks?
I've started to pick tier 10 up again after a good break - My hatred for artillery has grown SIGNIFICANTLY.
Burning Bonds. Which Tanks to are best?
Tier 10 Bond tank shop Poll 2024
Tier 8 Bond tank shop Poll 2024
I died saving a guy, Who then sang a song over my dead body, while Ghost killed everyone ONe by ONe. Best funeral i've ever been to, and it was my Funeral xD
My pc wont get above 60 fps on west coast.
What do you guys think of people putting Takumi's paint job on cars just because the car is Japanese.
Caption This #21
Which monitor is better for phasmophobia?
My Friend visit my Country, Philippines and saws this
Skill4ltu goes off on me for saying that players who suicide on purpose to be "funny" on stream for their favorite streamer are bad at the game and ruin the game for the 14 others on their team.
i Want you to Roast me based on my stats. Serious!
Rate my custom Camos for TL-7 pls :) (scale 0-10)
What do you put as the Developer/Publisher on Steam?
i got it with the Funny number this time :)