“Two peas in a fucked up salad”
Anyone want more sex than their bf/husband?
Single women - how do you survive??
Why do "dead bedrooms" seem to be a pandemic ?
“Quirky” girls — what does it mean to you?
For those of you who make $100k+, what is your profession ?
Can someone please elaborate what being “quirky” but “I mean it as a compliment”, means?
Looking for guidance
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EMT(emergency medical technician) workers of Reddit, what is the worst/most disturbing job you have been called out to?
What is a natural habitat that people ADHD thrive in?
Done. Let me know what you think?
please help me urgent
Common usernames-
[REQUEST] Essentials of Biostatistics in Public Health 4th Edition
Where is Stanley Kotowski? Massachusetts Dad Vanishes During Family Vacation in Hilton Head, Search Underway
Am I cooked?
Also, do we know if Skye had a Skype account? (Skype was popular from 2003 to present day)
I have started searching Skye’s birthday on anime/Japan-themed online forums, as many post a happy birthday message in a master “birthday thread” for users (or at least they did —back in the day) with their usernames in the message
Sora is Sky in japanese
I think this post copied from Skye’s Facebook (is it still visible there?) on a forum is insightful
Has anyone considered Skye may have utilized a place like YahooGroups to organize and plan her trip with help from locals?
Fodors Travel, Trip Advisor, Japan Guide all had active forums in 2007/2008
Someone shared this in a comment, but I want more input about it 👀
Quick question for you folks, how much do you get paid??