Gamers when literally nobody force them to play the game they don't like.
What's the perfect example of Schlock?
“She Congratulates Herself On Being A Single Mom” - The Most Obvious Incel Rage Bait Ever
My sister told my husband he only chose a woman like me because he can easily cheat and control me
I'm dumbest player alive.
That time Robocop shot this dude in the balls.
10-15 years from now; RoP will be the case study for everything that was wrong with the Post-Golden TV / Streaming Era
Any games with the Horizon feel?
As we all know, gold diggers always spell out exactly how they are using their partner to an ex in text.
I (M22) Left My Fiancée (F20)After Reading Her Messages – Did I Do the Right Thing?
My brother-in-law jizzed on my wedding dress but the important part is that I have a grossly efficient metabolism, look gorgeous without make-up and I have huge boobs and a booty
I (F27) found semen on my wedding dress. I don't know if it was my fiancé (M26) or his brother (M21)
TUMS Festival 2025 - Bring your friends! Bring your family! Close your fuckin' doors!
I hope this doesn't become a new trope wtf is this.
AITA for rubbing feces in my eyes and costing my mother 1000s of dollars in medical bills
Update - Fiancée ate my daughter’s cupcake
Stop killing celebrities!
AC shadows… holy shit
Two can play that game
Is it possible to import save data from the PS4 version to the PS5 version?
Am I wrong for not asking every woman i date if they were a prostitute?
Happy to report that no one ate popcorn during my screening of Presence. However an old man next to me fell asleep and shit himself, based on the smell.
TIL that John Boorman submitted a script for a Lord of the Rings film, in which many things are changed & added such as Gimli is put in a hole & beaten so he can retrieve the password to Moria from his ancestral memory; Frodo & Galadriel have sex; Arwen is a teenaged spiritual guide, upon many other
Does the slow effect from Chill stack?
What do we want from Cujo that's coming on Netflix?
Because nothing bonds a wedding party quite as much as listeria and group enemas
AITA for refusing to be a bridesmaid in my cousin’s wedding because she wants us to complete some crazy healthy itinerary plan
AITA for sacrificing my brother so I wouldn't have to babysit him?
The best review