H:10 Reflective W:Offers
20K Vendor buy tyvm
H: G Alien G Mino W: 300 Leaders Each or Both for 550
H:Leaders W:Pin-Pointers
H: G Uni W: 450 leaders
H: g mino G Alain W: 3.500 quantums
H: G Veggie W: 750 Leaders or Fcjs
H: Small guns bbh, mods, halloween candy W: Aligned flamer and reflex sight mods for EPR
H: Glowing Unicorn W: 4* Mod offers
What piece of misc do you wish was displayable? I’ll go first
H: Caps and Mods W: Psychobuff or Overdrive or Berry mentats
H: encl forcefull stock w: leader offers
H: 1000 canned coffee w: offers
[PS4] H: Purple Bat, Enclave Cap., Gatling Mods W: Mod Offers
H: 700 Halloween candy W: leader / mods offer
H: G Veggie W: Fcjs
H: Big Guns(3:1) Explosive(4:1) Sneak(5:1) G&b 9(3:1) Backwoods 4(2:1) G&b 3(2:1)Tesla 7(2:1)Tesla 9(2:1) Nuka Dark(5:1) Sunshine Oil(5:1) Rad Bombs(10:1) W: Leaders
H: Mags & Mods W: Treasure Map Offers
H: Pics W: 4 Reflective and 5 Arms Keepers
H: Rare Pink or Indigo Lvl 45 Unrolled Baseball Bat W: Rare Yellow Lvl 45 Unrolled Baseball Bat (1:1)
H: 50 radiated Sugar Bombs W: Caps
H: G Pig(250) Ghb(100) W: Leaders
H: BoSJS & WPJS W: 4 reflective