What can I improve on? Been stuck in plat for a while.
Wth is this (ignore the gameplay)
My first perfect pc setup
Event or just luck? so many evolved mons
Kyurem Black/White are coming to Pokemon GO
Worth it?
Toxic player leaves after this goal
Why am I meeting so many diamonds and champs in Plat 3?
Clean design
Can’t sleep so made this. What do you think of my farm?
Can’t sleep so made this. What do you think of my town?
Never kys
Over 900 caught Eevees before I found my first shiny….. finally!
Looking for other event shinies, offer below
Just a friendly reminder that combee/sableye are both 750 catch stardust
Picked these up two years ago for $150
Everyone’s top pokemon
I think I used up all my luck
Evolution of my Goldtane presets 🔥🔥🔥! Which is your favourite?
My presets, which one do you like the most?
What's the rarest car you can make?
My WIP of a gravel road trough a forest. Feedback and suggestions?
Sprawling farmland >>> Six-stack interchanges (bonus points if you can guess the country)
Mest utspekulerte phishing scammen jeg har sett på Norsk