Dream salon!
Inflammatory response?
I drank last night
Thinking about getting nipple piercings
What hobbies did you get into when you quit?
What is the point of Synced?
Did your sleep improve after quitting?
Mixed feelings about partner still drinking
Found out I’m pregnant
How has everyone’s health changed since being sober!
Words from a 6 year old
11 Months
Alcoholic anonymous
Having a really hard time on cruise. What non alcoholic cocktails are your favorite?
No idea where to start
Reddit - alcohol is destroying me. How can I cut back?
Survived my first beach trip sober
Came clean to my pregnant wife about my drinking to get some support. It backfired. Looking for encouragement here.
The Daily Check-In for Friday, May 24th: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!
Sober win tonight
Is five years age gap too big for me(26M) and this new girl(21F) I am talking to?
Tell me something good about your life.
The Daily Check-In for Tuesday, May 21st: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!
How did you decide to quit rather than cut back?
The Daily Check-In for Monday, May 20th: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!