Act like it’s 2004 and this game just came out!
Favorite song from this album?
Say something negative about this game.
what you gonna do in this scenario
what kind of vibe do you get from her
You're Trapped in Prison,The Last Character You Played Has to Rescue You. How Screwed Are You?
Chris Browns Dating History
Lil Wayne’s dating history
I wonder what’s the goat is thinking
Which sim is your mortal enemy? I'll go first.
Ali and his girlfriend Tina Peeping
What songs have made an impact on you spiritually?
Why is she looking at my boy like that? She’s smiling too hard
Soo awesome that i can download play the Sims 2 now on my laptop. I missed playing this in my early teens
Ask yourself (Yes, YOU 🫵) this question:
What's your favorite Rapper of all time? Mine is the N.O.T.O.R.I.O.U.S BIG!!
Who is he? (Wrong answers only)
Regardless of quality, which Sims game has the best theme song?
"Some say it's CJ, others say Brian, what's your take?"
What are some signs of depression that are not talked about?
What Lil Wayne song is playing during this?
Who is this? (Wrong answers only)
If You Know You Know
Favorite character death that got you like
Would you eat this for 10 cents?