I think we should wait until Densmore and Krieger pass before we do…
Found in dead uncle’s house, meaning?
Can someone identify this type of roach?
What color is my eye?
Does this count?
Does anyone else remember in the 70’s when The Six Million Dollar Man, Lee Majors appeared at Toys "Я" Us in Glen Burnie?
What is this in Yorktown Virginia?
What name should we give him ?
Meconium Marsala
Angry Birds
Level 10 guesstimate… What car was this?
Was it stolen…?
Allen Pond
Dumold Chump practicing for prison
Is this rare?
Men who respect women...
What is this red structure in middle of Brazilian rainforest?
Dumold Chump practicing for prison.
Lot to unpack here
Red dot wiggles when I shake my phone.
Hey y’all. What do we think this is, bed bugs? I’m thinking it’s something else
White areas in Fayetteville NC
A puzzle that has plagued us for years…
Unmarked Settlement(?) pretty much in the middle of nowhere