[COD] My Favourite Gun From Each Title, Back To CoD 4. Thoughts??
am i invisible ?
The lore says Adm Ozzel was arrogant and incompetent. Would it be a better story if he were secretly covering for the rebellion?
Is a 12.1 second 100m good for 9th grade
Is a 12.1 hundred meter good for 9th grade
Shrimp should not need deveining when cooked
Sam Ruthe the youngest ever to go sub 4 in the mile clocking 3:58.35
Yo guys I need tips on how run faster immediately
How to improve form out of blocks?
200m strategies
the most efficient semtex ive ever tossed
Jar Jar deserves so much empathy, bro passed emergency powers to chancellor Palpatine, he never intended things to get so bad. When the empire took over his people blamed him, disowned and outcasted him, he was alone in the end.
Prefer Big or Small Meets?
Star Marshal
Friend thinks I'm cheesing, cuz moonveil
Team USA facing some stiff 4x400 competition at World Indoor Championships
shin hurts when striking here
[hated trope] When Fascism is parodied too well and people unironically admire them
thoughts on the Grau 5.56?
Coaxed into people who bring up fictinal media when you bring up your real life issues.
Love standing around for 20 minutes doing nothing
This track runner claims she didn't mean to hit the other runner with the baton on purpose
I am officially old but since when do videogames have a “give up” button
This might be the best artwork i've ever seen.