Fellow Ogryns, I have a question.
When Sparky is getting swamped by heretics
Just finished all of Ogryn's penances! Couldn't wait for the rework lol
Rank the strongest class for beginner players, intermediate players, and advanced players.
Ogryn is still going to be the worst class in the game after the update
The Mostest importantest
Newbie Ogryn Confusion
The Big Boi is viable
I think combining this weapon with Darktide would be incredibly fun.
When someone says Ogryn isn't playable because it's the "weakest" class
How it FEELS to play Ogryn
The Bestest Blitz!
This Penance is a pub nightmare
why I don't like playing my ogryn sometimes.
Ogryn is the bestest!
Ogryn propaganda
I love the Ogryn shield. Convince me to use any other melee.
New Steam Banner
In your opinion, Which class is the best?
Getting invites while already in a Havoc game
The council of totally normal Darktide names
My experience as and with Zealots