10 min documentary where foreigners tell why they’re leaving Finland
The German invasion was a myth
Member of the European Parliament @marcbotenga called out Poland's EU Minister Adam Szlapka for blatantly laughing during a debate on the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Palestine's Gaza.
Myths about pre war Russia and USSR
Epic says not enough SteamOS players to justify Fortnite on Linux, but is porting to Windows on ARM
Ile jeszcze Pozostało Białorusińskich Polaków?
EU youth unemployment January 2025
❓Z jakiegoś powodu internet na całym świecie przestaje działać. Podobnie telewizja i radio. Mówią że naprawią dopiero za rok. Co robisz?
Czy są większe parówy niż typy z reddit/Polska?
How do you backup your arch?
Stworzyłem wstępnie 20-30 tagów użytkownika do wyboru w bocznym pasku, dajcie znać w komentarzu jak cheilibyście inne tagi
Shooting hot …
new anomaly just dropped, it reads 7.62x54 mm on ammo box, but weapon uses 7.62x39 mm
❓Czy Polska powinna zmienić przepisy dotyczące posiadania broni? Jak?
Cloud Alpha wireless or cloud 3 wireless which is better help
With Siege X right around the corner should they re-add some old stuff back?
Over 86% of Poles oppose sending Polish troops to Ukraine, poll reveals
Orzeł melduje
Soviet deportations from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina
Donald Tusk announces military training plan for all Polish men
Mandatory Military Training to start in Poland for the adults!?
Donald Tusk announces military training plans for all men in Poland
Annual beef consumption in Europe per capita in kilograms, 2021
Any recruiters here?
Krzysztof Kononowicz