Is this one of the rare bat colors?
H:WinterMan Mask W:4*conductors 4*radioactive powered
[Ps4] w: canned coffee and psychobuff h: glowing mask
H: Fiend and Winter Man Mask W: Enclave Mods (Calibrated capacitor, aligned automatic,reflex sights)Plan Accelerated Nozzle Gatling Plasma
H: Pics W:2x Limit Breaking or 2x Rangers
W: pin pointers H: 4* mods
W:Limit Breaking x 4 H: 1250 Psychobuff 350 Coffee 8 Leaders 2x Gatling Plasma Swift Core Receptacle Plan
W:4xLimit Breaking H:1200 Psychobuff 350 Coffee 8Leaders and many Mods 1-4*
H: 4* star mods (see image) W: Pinpointers mod
H: 20k caps W: High Capacity backpack
H: 3xReflective W: 3xRangers
H: 3xReflective W : 3xRangers
Calibrated shocks
H: 2 rejuvenaters W: 2 rangers
I need 450 gold bullion fast.
PA Gat Plasma Crits
Smoking marijuana In parked car
H: GP accelerate nozzle plan W: GP stinging core receptacle plan
H: 150 x Coffee W:leaders
H: Swift Core Receptacle x2 Yellow Asylum Worker Uniform Yellow x2 W:Leaders
Price Check: Asylum Worker Uniform Yellow
H:Stinging Core Receptacle Plan W:1 4*Pyro 3 Arms Keeper
H:2x Stinging Core Receptacle Plans W:Accelerated Nozzle,Pinpointers, 2*Luck Armskeeper Overeaters or some combination
[PS4]H:2xStinging Core Receptacle Plans W:Accelerated Nozzle, Pinpointers Mod,Armskeeper 2* Luck Overeaters
H:Stinging Core Receptacle plans w:Overeater's antiarmor mods