drx skins
Am I the Arsehole?
Iron4 Akali cannot seem to progress!
Game unplayable after last patch on pc
Mana Vault
My amazing best friend hand-sculpted me an Akali statue as a birthday gift
My girlfriend gave this to me at random….
I can't defeat Nirgeganti, are my stats and equipment low?
What's your main weapon?
come posso migliorare/e cosa migliorare
How are you crafting your Artian dual blades?
When would Akali be a good pick?
What do you think about my Akali in Monster Hunter Wilds?
Good armor set to start Iceborne?
"Valentine's day" ~Evelynn and Akali. (goku_kennnn)
Should I play more akali?
What's your opinion on mana rocks?
What champ do you personally never see be useful?
What is your most oppressive deck?
PBE changes are good, don't overreact to the nerfs
Mel Changes in 15.S1.4
Creatina sì o no
Is akali worth it?
whats ur fav akali skin