Thinking about upgrade
What PSU wattage do you recommend for an i7-12700k and an RTX 3060 setup?
I wanted to reinstall windows, but my usb flash with windows flash wont boot
Bug with percentage in 2.2 levels?
[q] a community ban for leaving a comment on someone's profile
Why is everyone calling hibana "habanah"?
With the next season around the corner. How is everyone’s ranked season going? Have you accomplished your goal for ranked?
Why are teenage boys on siege so sexist?
Bro my team banned my main
Echo does not have access to acog. Why?
Asus ROG STRIX B660-A GAMING WIFI - M.2_1 slot doesn't detect drives
Whats your fav elite/bundle?
What year did you start?
Mira mains what this strat called
"This match is easy" ranked experience
Gotta be kidding
Why is Deimos allowed to be an operator?
Most absurd way to die in R6
TIL reddit socialists have a huge hate boner for Finland
Jaahas siinä olikin tän päivän netti selailut taas
Joku wannabe roadman lapsijoukko varastaa buffetista ja kuvaa työntekijäst epäkunnioittavan videon 💀kaike lisäks nää on vitu rasistisii ja kaikki kommentitki vaa nauraa tälle
Creepy :|