I built a 5.6km long slide of death
Girl I’m seeing gave me a weird gift and I don’t know what it means
To the player I creeped out trying to communicate via emotes
Neurological warfare event
[PS4] H: mods W: apparel
[PS4] H: mod boxes and leaders. W:Mod boxes/leaders/apparel
New Drop of Ticket to Revenge with Old Legendaries
[PS4] H:Unyielding box mod W: Quad OE or lucky box mod
Legendary Mod Box Sign Up Sheet!
im nearly level 500 just found out i dont have a plan for an ordinary laser rifle.
A thankyou after mothman event
325+ levels, no bloody mess perk
H: caps W: bone, crude, hammer skull plan
[ps4] H: pics below W:offers
Out DPS??
I am king of idiots.
[ps4] H: plans W: caps
[PS4] H: 2x GBDs W: New Glowing Mask.
[PS4] H: Grolls W: EPR/EPF Grolls/Apparel
[ps4] Price check
(PC) H: Enclave Plasma aligned auto mod W: offers
The I'm sad fasnacht is over giveaway bundle (3 items ) Winner determined by TOP VOTED answer by 10pm mst. --> Tell me why you shouldn't under any circumstances put ketchup on steak! 1 winner - 3 items
H:Pics W: Enclave Plasma
[Price check]