H: misc items W: 50-100 leaders
H: Pic W: Offers
H: full fas set W: offers
H: wpjs? W: or glowings or junk (only junk id need atm and id got to check)
H: Full Fas Mask Set (New) W: Offers
H:2.4k Leaders W: LC
[XB1]H: enclave W: something
H: Glowing Bigfoot mask W: 1000 leaders
H: 40 leaders W: USA mask
H: Legacy Reverse fsa W: glow jackalope
H: Esmes cooking supplies W: Bunnabun or Weapon case or scanner upgrade or any honor roll misc
Glowing Leader Bobblehead Value
H: leaders. W: fcjs
H: 1k leaders. W: Misc offers!
H: Hellfire V2 Plan Set W: 25 Leaders
[XB1 price check] H: what’s in pics W: to know what they are worth
H: 665 leaders W: misc offers
H: Invisible Text launch code solution for all 3 silos W: to know its worth
H: Tradable Uny/AP/Sent USA complete set W: Offers
H: Misc to trade(listed) W: offers
What is going on with the pvp’ers.
H:forest scout mask W:leader offer
H: weps W: other Wep offers! Collecting Melees, pistols, heavy weps, and BP weps!
H: 300+ 3★ mods W: offers
[XB1]H:TFJ W:Offer