It's Hideous! | Skyrim Horror Movie
What's a common misconception about guns?
What Is A Movie You Wish Never Existed?
I got my favorite personal weapons named.
What do not many people know is a meaningless marketing term?
Three hands, three feet, and three malformed birds
How did you beat the system?
A.I. Generated King Kong Images Be Like:
Ever heard of this gun
The amount of ways to spell ... this name.
What products have fallen victim to genericide?
FB AI slop, now with more cats!
Tourism in a subreddit about inaccurate results from Google's A.I. overview.
Saw a post asking what would happen if a Combine Soldier was imprisoned and interrogated by the Rebels. I doubt that would happen, but a Metro Cop might be willing to surrender, as they are still human. As for the interrogation, results my vary.
Who's your favorite non-Marvel, non-DC super hero?
Facebook used to be a nice site.
Oh the irony
Fork bomb
What movie do you consider to be the safest from getting remade/getting a sequel?
I saw a post asking why the H.E.C.U. were after Gordon Freeman, they illegally invaded Black Mesa and Gordon was defending himself.
What's something not many people know is a "results may vary" kind of thing?
Your username is now your job, what do you work as now?
What is something that you believe, but most people disagree with?
What's an opinion you have that most people disagree with?