So Burt is a Lumon goon. Does this mean his existence at ODR was faked so he could be a mole?
How much do you think the average severed employee paycheck is?
What episode do you think is underrated?
Bradley Cooper receives an honorable mention as Performer of the Week on TVLine for the episode 4.01.
Wings. A "sick day" staple.
PlayStation Store Mega March promotion starts March 12
Season 4 - 100% Rotten Tomatoes
I realized today that Sky High is gonna be 20 years old in 2025
Who else was lucky enough to get a good boom box like the dual cassette?
What is the greatest one-liner in movie history?
S2:Ep8 opening shot -Reminds me of The Shining
Actors lately who do not care about making good movies anymore?
Ace of Ace and TJ dead…?
Why are there so many Pepperidge farm cookie routes for sale?
How many of you used to let Robert stack put you to bed with the creepiness of Unsolved Mysteries?
Who remembers these guys?
How Episode 8 Exposed the Rot in Our Souls
Do the kids today know what a buster is? “Yo Dom. Who brought the buster?” The Fast and the Furious (2001)
Generate a single image that represents the worst parts of Florida
I’ve run out of music, recommend me an album you’ve been listening to lately and I’ll share my thoughts on it!
How many of your parents bought a Gameboy so they could play tetris?
Evening shade.
By doing what exactly?
The Simpsons: Hit & Run (2003)
Looking For Some Lowkey Enjoyable PS1, PS2 or PS3 Titles!