All for trade looking for clones can also do 2-1 or 3-1 dm me! Offering below
Tatoos ideas please
Looking for shiny Dmax/Gmax, Legendaries..etc ... Rural Player ... Offering page 2 and on.. can't fly.
Looking for Charmander, Offering evolution
is it disrespectful if i buy a tattoo flash/ design from one tattoo artist and have another artist tattoo it on me ?
Offering below/ looking for clone pika
Looking for help, offering thanks.
Tattoo bubbles/ need advise
Red pimple/bumps advise
Looking for shiny pika costumes & special shiny pokemons legendary or galarians etc offering below
Looking for/ offering below
Is this normal bruising on my 2 day old tattoo?
Looking for A regular necrozma instant 500k offering for a BG kyurum LA
Offering For trade loads of LA BG Kyurum non shiny or regular / shiny kyurum no BG with fuse option. Looking for shiny legendary & shiny pika costume, or other BG
Looking for / offering below have also other stuff. Dm me with suggestions.
LF: shiny dynamax Moltres FT: gigantamax Kanto starters
43.142988,-78.876708 join me will make sure you win
LF Bottom Offering below/ Guess my favorite Pokemon, I’ll pick winner in 6 hours. GLs!
Offering below I have 2 ho-oh purified shiny shadow for trade. Catched multiple if you want to trade one come to my dm’s!, can fly
Offering BG scuba pikachu giveaway; looking for see below
Looking for pic 1 can offer pic 2/3
Looking for shiny Whimsicott
Looking for below offering below + offers FT last first LF last 3
Looking for only Gmax shiny Charizard/ offering shinies legandary, galarian, costumes, etc! DM ME! Let’s make this trade!