H: broken pipboy you can display W: 750 leaders each
[XB1] H: ask me what you want (i don't have leaders) W: pure violet flux.
Took an ID card screenshot every 50 levels 1-1000
{Discussion} worth anything? Pull from a raid A god roll
H: Displayable misc W: offers
[Xb1] H: glowing scorchbeast and buffoon mask W: offers
H: Deathclaw W: Buffoon
Any good? Pulled from robo farm and it is a god roll?
H: glowing uni, glowing scorch beast, glowing turkey,glowing honey bee, brahmin, buffoon, crazy guy, fiend, hag, winter man W: offers
[XB1] H: these masks W: leaders
H: item for ally W: offers
H: Glowing Alien W: offers
H: Trench Mask, Trench Meds, Davids trophy. (Misc items) W: Offers.
H: Unusual Fungus (misc) W: Misc Offers
H: misc W: Will hear out any offers
H: G Abe & Veggie W: offers
[XB1] H: glowing blue devil + deathclaw W: offers
H: These pictures W: Offers no leaders
H: brotherhood recon rifle schematic misc W: leader offers
[Xb1] H: G Mino W: pinpointers/rangers/reflective offers
H: G Mino W: pinpointers/rangers/reflective offers
[XB1] H: bunabun W: offers
[XB1] H: Fasnacht Hag, Brahmin W: Legendary Mods
[XB1] I don't mean to brag, but I have been blessed..
I don't mean to brag, but I have been blessed..
H: Coffee w: mods/ apparel trade completed
[xb1] h:glowing abe w:offers