When will the horrors caused by Cymbalta ever end?
When & how often do y’all have sex?
shaking trembling muscle twitches and can’t sleep
I cold Turkied Cymbalta
No penetrative sex just oral
Do you love your NKs?
Day 4
Zaps all over the body
Insomnia from cymbalta withdrawals
Off Cymbalta 10 days lightheaded + feet & body are numb
Headaches nonstop
Has anyone experienced a feeling of pressure on their head/ears while being on duloxetine?
How did Cymbalta affect your Motivation or ADHD symptoms?
If taken nightly, when does Lunesta become less efficient in helping with sleep?
I’ve tapered from 3 mg in steps down to 1 mg last night but did not sleep on 1 mg. How long to stay on 1mg before quitting completely or going to .5mg - please I need help with my taper.
How long did your brain fog, body shaking, dizziness, zaps & heart palps / fast pulse last after you stopped taking Cymbalta?
Upping Dosage to 60mg - Your experiences?
Pregnancy and cymbalta
44 considered too young for peri?
Hypnic jerks waking me up
Best withdrawal relief?
What medications or strategies help with the awful side effects of a Cymbalta taper?
How long did you have brain fog, body shaking, dizziness, zaps & heart palps / fast pulse after you stopped taking Cymbalta?
Titrating and experiencing 'brain wobbles'