Servers are unplayable right now (NA West)
Weave like a feather, cleave like an anvil
Mason order's weakest knight
Love a good bridge push on Lionspire
The most sound weapon in Chivalry 2
Clips from the NA West duel yard
A gentlemen’s agreement to forget that ever happened
Always got to keep you six covered
When team-killing your archers backfires
When an unstoppable force meets the immovable object
Stairway to hell
Two warriors enter flow state in The Pit
Goedendag go bonk
Flick of da wrist
Caught between a Tenosian and a bottomless pit
A cinematic Chiv experience
Holding the line.
Been having blast playing the past couple days and was inspired to sculpt these polymer clay figures. I may be inclined to make a goon-squad of them now.
I know it's not the best, and I'm practically a beginner at making clay and painting, but I made my favorite villager Zucker!
Sculpted my wife's ACNH character out of polymer clay
Sculpted my wife's Animal Crossing character
Fanart: Varok Saurfang Sculpture
Saw Drew on the street the other day and I got his autograph!!!
Drew sex tape leaked online!