H: Offers W: Glowing Big Guns Bobblehead
So I just learned this canned recipe
H: GSB W: Complete Glowing Bobblehead collection for display
H: Glowing Unicorn W: 450 Leaders or best Leader offer
Anyone else sick of tradeing with leaders and want it to go back to the old ways😔
The best part of the new update.
H: 1 Glowing Leader lol W: Attention
H: 600 leaders w: glowing mask offers
Glowing Leader Bobblehead Value
[PS] H: glowing masks bundle W: apparel or new glowings
H: Glowing Unicorn W: 500 Leaders or best leader offer
H: 326 leaders w: offers
H: 40,000 caps W: to buy leaders 4,000 cap each
H: Caps W: Revive Person in Water for Challenge
H: 23 Leaders W: 46,000 Caps
H: 40k caps W: 20 Leaders
H: Glowing Scorchbeast W: 250 Leaders
H: Glowing Scorchbeast Queen W: 300 Leaders
H: GUni + GBD W: 450 Leaders
H: Responder Fireman Helmet W: 500 Leaders
Still waiting for my feed to update ..
H: offers W: wasteland wanderer outfit
H: Crazy Guy W: Deathclaw
H: GSBQ W:210 Leaders
H: gmino/gbee/veggieman W: offers