Poor guy never saw it coming
First time playing turn based game
New Game
South Span Wyrm's crossing -repetitive female voice yelling
Grumblemania Monday
Bitchen non-magic power
What character do you always leave behind in camp?
For D&D Players - Discovering Classes
Luck of the far realms not working with spells?
She just wants grandkids!
No Sound at all on severed chains
Genuinely why do people like this design?
Since we're doing memes..
How did your very first play through go?
What’s the most overrated game you’ve played?
Legend of Dragoon Pairings
About Rose..
Help I’m kinda lost..
some photos i took at the Halifax Mother Mother show from two nights ago!!
What type of remake would you prefer?
Can my wife and I play this with two controllers on PS5?
Shadow cursed land
Theory abut the dragon butts in lost izalith