H: 15 Leaders W: 1 hr en06 carry
H:45 Indigo Bat W:Leaders
H: Mods and Caps W: Psychobuff and Berry mentats or Overdrive
H: 100 leaders w: 10 ranger/rejuvenator
H:BOS js USA FSA mask W:Glo Pig
[PS4] H: Glowing Veggie, Alien, Robot, Pig and Minotaur W: Rare apparel offers.
H: leaders W: qe railway max level or just give me mods and the weapon
4th day of giveaways!! Giving away the best gen 1 mask. To win tell me your favourite fallout you played :)
[PS4] H: ENO6 FARM W: YOU (newish players)
H: the following + 10k caps W: 1 star Anti-Armor, 2 star Vital, 3 star Lucky, 4 star pin-pointers
H: 18k Caps W: Any Enclave Plasma Rifle with reflex sight and any stock attached
W: EPR Stabilized Stock/Reflex Site Mods H: Leaders
[PS5] W: plan: Backpack High capacity, EPR Reflex, EPR Forcefull stock, EPR Aligned Flamer, Plan: Blackleather backpack H: Leaders, Mods
H: 25k caps W: Pounders 4 star
H: a newb lv36 character. W: someone to let me tag along for En06 for a bit to get to 50.
H: Caps or Leaders W: 1 Pounders Mod
H: Modded GPs W: 10k caps
H: Fiend and Winter Man Mask W: Enclave Mods (Calibrated capacitor, aligned automatic,reflex sights)Plan Accelerated Nozzle Gatling Plasma
W: Coffee & Nuka Cranberry H: Almost 40k caps
H: skull lord eagle outfit W: caps
H: Bloodied(3) Vampires(1) Anti-armor(3) Rapids (2) W:4star pounder’s
H: Mods in Pic W: Rangers Mods
H: Mods in pic W: Ranger Mods
H: offers/caps W: 1 vamp mod
H: Fas masks (Gveg, Ghb, Gsb, Gpig, Hag) W: Leaders/Other Offers