Shout out to the drivers who let you pass
Rob Moore's statement regarding Esports World Cup partnership
Name a better expansion. Maps can make or break a Battlefield so I really hope they get it right this time. I have way more fun on 2042 playing the legacy maps.
What are some of the top series/movies currently on Prime?
Your metris is a snitch.
What positions are not apart of the no-layoffs clause ?
Gray Zone Warfare Reveals Large Shift To PvP With Dynamic War
We all agree this shouldn’t come back, right?
Scooter vs motorcycle
Favorite kind of route?
People when the new battlefield isn’t battlefield 4 remaster
Kinda wish Arc Raiders was first person because of stuff like this
5 minutes gameplay, thoughts?
Friend rode ebike, she had a crash and broke my brake lever…
Beatboxer Jcop imitating sounds
Who exactly, in the year of 2025, needs a physical ULINE catalog every month?
Made regular ptf and terminated
I hate Sarcos with a passion.
Is a RCA position really that bad?
Business manager left a note on my LLV saying not to use their restroom anymore
Just Joined the Gang
The pre-teen gangsters
This needs to stop
PSA: crossing the street during a marathon is idiotic and dangerous